Monólogo/Monòleg - Traducido al catalán por Pere Bessó

Monologue -under a tree-

To Henry Arturo, my son…
for inventing himself in each thorn.

‘I sat this morning on my balcony to look at the world. And he,
a walker, stops an instant, he greets me and goes away’
Rabindranath Tagore

With your calm eyes, I wait
for the last bird
the one
that in its accurate flight liquidates alphabets
-not the cloud that spills them

I shan’t go on tiptoeing
with a firm step
denounced in the word

ethereal to the last thunder
when I render the spring of my spirit
-in some market

taken by the wind’s hand
I will lie alert to the wheat and the awakening of the lotus
In the weary wood
-with my eyes fertile for birds´ alcoves.

Published @ GustavoTissoco’sBlog


Espere amb els teus ulls encalmats
pel darrer ocell
que en vol cert liquide abecedaris
-no el núvol que els vessa

no continuaré de puntetes
caminant veraç
denunciat en la paraula

eteri al darrer tro
quan lliuraré la primavera del meu mi esperit
-en algun mercat

de la mà del vent
jauré atent al blat i a la despertada del lotus
al bosc las
-amb els meus ulls fecunds per a alcova d’ocells

– Traducido al catalán por Pere Bessó –

Published @ GustavoTissoco’sBlog